Highway Specialties, Inc. has used guardrails available 24/7. We are a full source guardrail company with removal coming straight from our job sites. We have direct access to any guardrail materials. Our most popular items are W-Beam panels @ $1.65/LF ($1.50/LF on full truckloads, approx. 6500 LF), Thrie-Beam panels @ $2.25/LF, 6'6" Steel I-Beam posts or Wooden posts @ $9.50 ea. Due to the volatile steel market, pricing is subject to change. These items are commonly used in the construction of agricultural fencing, livestock fencing, windbreak panels, and so much more. Give us a call today to receive your customized quote.
Material Sales
At Highway Specialties, Inc., we offer a variety of materials for sale to use within your highway projects. We primarily offer used guardrail for sale, but we also have many other materials that can be useful in your project. Reach out to our highway service company today at (850) 256-3397 to learn more.
Sign Manufacturing
When you need signs created for your next construction project, Highway Specialties, Inc. has you covered. Our sign manufacturer can develop road and traffic signs tailored to your needs. Reach out to us today to receive a quote.